We've all been there, carrying our handbag, and hauling 2 other bags for laptops and other stuff. Finding a good-looking bag that also doubles up as an appropriate bag in terms of actual useability by being able to fit all of your daily carry-ons & needs is like finding a needle in a haystack.
That's exactly what the Christy Ng's June Tote Bag is made for. It's made with a cut that's large enough to carry your daily essentials and other extras. Generously sized, the loosely structured silhouette of this top handle tote fits everything you need for the day without looking bulky & out of place. It also has handy pockets inside for your smaller articles that are designed to not get mixed up & lost among your other belongings. So you won't have to be rummaging around your bag just to look for that little something.
This classy and spacious shopper tote is made from textured vegan leather with top handles that are sized to sit comfortably on your shoulder. Which means you won't have to worry about lugging an extra dumbbell around your shoulders all day. Instead, you'll be feeling quite the opposite as you'll look pretty put together with the minimalist design and a subtle golden embossed of the Christy Ng logo. To top it all off, there's even a magnetic strap closure for keeping everything in there secure & safe.
The neutral tones of this versatile tote bag will also coordinate beautifully with almost any outfit so you won't have to lose a drop of sweat thinking about what you're going to pair this bag with.